1 September 2008

Necessary interpretation

Austral Cabernet Merlot
Chile 2005
8000RwF from the store next to Indoli's
[The Happy Hour(s) that did not end, I cannot account for unreadable notes and possible misunderstandings]

Citrus nose.
I have a very weak palette.

Oh shut up.

I wish I was one of those people who had a really strong palette, like, I wish I could say "it's (unreadable) (unreadable), this barrel."

A little bitter?
Tea! without milk and sugar.

There is something pregnant about it. I like the word pungent, that is not a negative statement.

Like the time when I was four and my mum picked me up from summer camp. I was changing into my bathing suit. We were going to have a water fight. And I said "Nooo! Mummmmmy!" because she left, and I ran though the school naked.

Like cozying up in a hacienda in Manchester.

I am thinking of a cauliflower. I am thinking of cauliflower when I drink this wine. I am thinking of the cauliflower story. The cauliflower-sized (unreadable) on that man's bum in the hospital. I cannot drink this wine.

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to.

Pinotage shoul be choc flavord, good pinotage should reek choc. See, I don really drink pinotage at home, but it should be choc.

Stooges. You reckon it's big? I'll show you big! That's not big enough. Capatutial buildings. Quitenicebutandits a big but.

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