3 September 2008

Both parties

Castillo De Liria
Bobal and Shiraz
5000RwF Nakumat
[Watching McCain shake the hand of Palin's pregnant daughter's boyfriend. Who bloody-well cares?]

Carmen Miranda, meet Pinocchio. The nose is a little woody but notice the fruity head ensemble please. First mouthful is a tad thin, but the second, oh the second! It fills out to flirtily squeeze the middle then the back of the throat, a long yet light squeeze smothered in honey. Not uncle sam honey either, a smoky chestnut honey with a hint of rose and berry. I could do without the berry, the tartness grates at the smoothness making it a little szit szit szit, but the honey (honey!) lapping over the back of the throat is worth it. Down the hatch!

A euro-style wine. Not bold and meaty like most new-world stuff; good if you are comfortable dancing at both parties.

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